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Employees of “Turbulentnost-DON” Group of Companies have trained specialists of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don

On February 26, 2020, the employees of Turbulentnost-DON Group of Companies trained more than 35 specialists of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don LLC on the specifics of setting up and commissioning of the equipment manufactured by SPA Turbulentnost-DON LLC. The opening speech was delivered by the head of the metrology department Karepin D.V.

The training was carried out at a specialized stand of measuring equipment developed for “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don”. The stand presents the following equipment:

  • Ultrasonic flowmeter Turbo Flow UFG;
  • Hot-wire flowmeter Turbo Flow TFG-H;
  • Hot-wire flowmeter Turbo Flow TFG-S;
  • Gas meter Grand SPI with telemetry system and shut-off valve.

The demonstrated equipment is equipped with flow rate sensors to simulate various modes of gas consumption at metering stations.

The stand was provided for unlimited usage by “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don” to study modern technological solutions in the field of natural gas metering, conducting seminars and lectures by the manufacturer's specialists.

On the basis of the stand, you can demonstrate the work of the specialized software that allows you to perform:

  • flow meter setting;
  • read archives;
  • flow meter diagnostics;
  • updating and entering gas composition;
  • work on verification of the flow meter in the presence of the licensed software and the appropriate access level.

All the equipment placed at the stand transmits information to the DONTEL telemetry hardware and software complex. Employees of Turbulentnost-DON Group of Companies demonstrated the capabilities of the DONTEL software package, having organizing a communication session in real time to receive all the necessary reports and parameters.

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