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Gas flowmeters Turbo Flow UFG-F

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Ultrasonic gas flowmeters are intended for high-accuracy measurement (0.3%):

  • Volumetric gas flow rate;

  • Mass gas flow rate

in operating and standard conditions in pipelines DN 50...500 mm.

The electronic computing unit:

  • Takes measurement of gas flow parameters: temperature, pressure.

  • Makes computation of accumulated gas volume.

  • Archives measured parameters.

  • Optional: data transfer via mobile communication or Ethernet links.

For Class A meters - backing up of computer aids (Corporate Standard of Gazprom OJSC).

Field of application:

The Turbo Flow UFG-F gas flowmeters are used for commercial and technological metering of natural, oil and other kinds of gas at production facilities of various industries.

Advantages of method:

  • High accuracy of measurements: measurement error up to 0.3%;

  • Wide dynamic range: 1:200;

  • Flow measurement in both directions;

  • No pressure losses due to full bore diamete. 

 Our engineers together with the researchers from the South Federal University carried out a series of studies in the ultrasonic flow measurement field. The twoyear effort has resulted in a unique measuring system based on the special-purpose piezoelectric transducers that are not sensitive to contaminating deposits up to 1 mm thick. This offers the possibility to successfully use our flowmeters for metering
so-called "dirty gas".
Turbo Flow UFG-F gas flowmeter

Configuration options:

Based on temperature range of ambient environment and medium measured:

  • configuration М - from minus 30 to plus 70;

  • configuration Х - from minus 50 to plus 70.

Based on components and performed functions:

  • Configuration С0 – includes an ultrasonic flow transducer, an electronic unit;
  • Configuration С1Т - includes an ultrasonic flow transducer, electronic unit, temperature transducer, flow computer integrated in electronic unit;
  • Configuration С1ТР - includes an ultrasonic flow transducer, electronic unit, temperature transducer, flow computer integrated in electronic unit, pressure transducer;
  • Configuration  С2ТР - includes an ultrasonic flow transducer, electronic unit, temperature transducer, a flow computer remotely installed in a flow-measurement cabinet, pressure transducer;
  • Configuration С3ТР - includes an ultrasonic flow transducer, electronic unit, temperature transducer, pressure transducer, a Raskhod-1 flow computer.
  • Configuration С4 - includes an ultrasonic flow transducer, electronic unit, temperature transducer, pressure transducer, a Superflow-23 gas volume corrector.

Based on explosion protection:

  • 1 Ex dib [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb;
  • 1 Ex d [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb.

Based on redundant computer aids:

  • One computing unit;

  • Two computing units;

  • Two computing units, redundant flow parameter measuring equipment ("two-in-one" configuration).

A special-purpose removable attachment allows performing the on-site "hot" swapping of ultrasonic sensors without pressurizing the main pipeline and without dismantling the flowmeter.

Additional equipment:

Flow conditioner

Device to replace
ultrasonic sensors RUS

Straight sections

You can order the gas flowmeters turbo flow ufg-f from  dealers  at a good price.
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Metrological performance:

Characteristic Value
Range of gas flow rate measurement, m3/hour  from 1.5 to 32,000
Dynamic range Qmin/Qmax 1:200

Limits of permissible relative error when measuring volumetric flow rate and volume 

of gas in operating conditions, for combination of pairs of transmitter/receiver

units within range of flow rates Qmin<Q< 0.01 Qmax:

with 1 pair of transmitter/receiver units, %
with 2 pairs of transmitter/receiver units, %
with 4, 6, 8 pairs of transmitter/receiver units, %
with 4, 6, 8 pairs of transmitter/receiver units (optional*), %

± 3.0 (±3.5*)
± 2.0 (±2.5*)
± 1.0 (±1.5*)
± 0.5 (±1.0*)

0.01 Qmax<Q< Qmax:

with 1 pair of transmitter/receiver units, %
with 2 pairs of transmitter/receiver units, %
with 4, 6, 8 pairs of transmitter/receiver units, %
with 4, 6, 8 pairs of transmitter/receiver units (optional*), %

± 1.5 (±2.0*)
± 1.0 (±1.5*)
± 1.0 (±1.5*)
± 0.3 (±0.5*)

Gas flow velocity in both directions, m/s, no more than 45
Gas overpressure range, MPa from 0 to 25

Performance specification:

Characteristic Value
Digital wired interfaces

protocol HART, protocol MODBUS RTU
по интерфейсу RS-232, RS-232 TTL и RS-485

Digital wireless interfaces

GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth, IrDA (ИК-порт), Zig Bee, M2M 433/868 МГц

Power supply parameters, V:

from external power unit: 7 to 30

Power consumption, W, no more than


Operating conditions:
-ambient air temperature, °С
for Configuration М
for Configuration Х

from -30 to +70 

from -50 to +70

- relative air humidity, %,
atmospheric pressure, kPa

up to 95
from 84.0 to 106.7

Average mean time between failures, hours, at least

70 000

Certificate of compliance with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (RUS)

Certificate of type approval UFG (RUS)

Compliance Certification

Certificate of type approval - Uzbekistan (RUS)

Certificate of type approval - Kazakhstan (RUS)

Certificate of type approval - Kyrgyzstan (RUS)

Certificate of type approval - Armenia (RUS)

Certificate of type approval - Belarus (RUS)

Calibration certificate by Pigsar European Testing Laboratory (ENG)

Application of Calibration certificate by Pigsar European Testing Laboratory (ENG)